Youth Corner
Welcome to the LAYC Youth Corner!
Here you can find information about upcoming events, programs and open houses, resources, and internships. Stay up to date on what other youth are doing at LAYC by viewing creative projects by other youth like music videos, blogs, art, photography, and even a telenovela! Bookmark this page and visit often to see pictures from past events, read about the youth spotlight of the month (maybe it’s you!), find out what’s new at the center, and more!
Creative Projects
Take a peek inside the minds and hearts of your peers.
DC Teen Center
Your place to go after-school to get help with homework, play guitar, and much more!
DC Drop-In Center
A safe space open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. to connect to safe housing resources.
Health Services
Do you need to talk to someone? Looking for free HIV, STI, and pregnancy testing and options counseling?
Community Service
Looking for community service or internship hours at LAYC? We have opportunities for your high school service hours.
Summer Programs
Spend the summer with LAYC where you can explore the great outdoors, try out college life, learn to row, gain leadership skills, and more!