When youth enroll in LAYC’s educational programs, they can look forward to an enriching experience with an emphasis on academics, leadership development, and social-skill building. Our programs focus on activities that enhance academic performance with the goal of supporting attainment of a high school diploma or GED and prepare youth for post-secondary education and success. Youth have access to our academic programs at LAYC’s sites and at partner schools during the school day and after school through our School-Based Academic Programs and After-school Enrichment.
From tutoring in our DC Teen Center to in-school support through our AmeriCorps members in partner schools, our programs provide the additional help our students need to complete homework, discuss readings, and complete special projects. For youth enrolled in area high schools or LAYC-founded YouthBuild, Next Step, or LAYC Career Academy Public Charter Schools, we offer College Access and Retention programs and services including support applying to college, scholarships, and other financial aid, and college tours. With Community Schools, LAYC builds partnerships with schools to share accountability for results, set high expectations, build on our community’s strengths, and embrace diversity and innovative solutions.
All our education programs work to support the growth of the whole person. With this goal, our education staff engages youth in academic activities that also encourage youth to become informed and thoughtful members of society.
Our Services
School-Based Academic Programs
LAYC works closely with the schools in the communities we serve, often with LAYC staff stationed in those schools. We work with elementary, middle, and high schools to support academic achievement, provide after-school activities, instill healthy lifestyles, and connect students and families to other resources.
GED Education
Our General Educational Development (GED) program goes beyond by integrating social justice and life skill themes to develop their knowledge base and cultivate empowerment through reflection and investigation of their larger social environment. We believe this method empowers youth as agents in their learning as well as their lives and communities.
Community Schools
A partnership between the school and community resources that support students and families in and beyond the classroom. Our goal is to integrate academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement, to improve to increase student academic achievement and ensure family well-being.
College Access and Retention
LAYC’s College Access and Retention programs help high school students prepare for college and succeed once enrolled.
After-School Enrichment
LAYC offers a variety of activities for students after school at LAYC sites and partner schools.