School-Based Academic Programs

LAYC works closely with the schools in the communities we serve, often with LAYC staff stationed in those schools. We work with elementary, middle, and high schools to support academic achievement, provide after-school activities, instill healthy lifestyles, and connect students and families to other resources.

 Pre-High School Services (DC)

LAYC’s Pre-High School Services team prepares students for high school success. We offer homework assistance and academic tutoring to improve students’ academic performance as well as enrichment opportunities that aid in students’ personal and social development. Enrichment opportunities include field trips to cultural sites throughout DC and health and fitness. We create a safe, caring, and culturally sensitive environment where students and families build long-term, productive relationships with experienced staff mentors.


Washington, DC: Bancroft Elementary School, Francis L. Cardozo Education Campus, Powell Bilingual Elementary School, Sacred Heart Bilingual Catholic School, and Takoma Education Campus.


LAYC offers out-of-school time tutoring and enrichment at partner schools. We help improve students’ academic performance by providing homework assistance and academic tutoring.


Washington, DC: Powell Elementary School, MacFarland Middle School, Cardozo Education Campus, Raymond Education Campus, Roosevelt Senior High School, and Woodrow Wilson High School in the District of Columbia.


Jamie Roberts
Director of Education & Workforce

Prince George’s County: William Wirt Middle School, Buck Lodge Middle School, and High Point High School


Jackie Orellana
Deputy Director, Prince George's County

After-School Programs for High Schools

Students in our partner school programs benefit from the support of LAYC’s AmeriCorps members who serve their communities by working as Teacher Assistants in elementary, middle, and high schools. AmeriCorps members provide students with in-school support, such as help with homework, life skills workshops, and enrichment activities. Members also host numerous events to foster relationships among LAYC staff, youth, and parents, including parent orientations, field trips, and special school events.


Washington, DC (Currently accepting volunteer applications): Powell Elementary School, Bancroft Elementary School, Takoma Education Campus, Roosevelt High School, Wilson High School, McFarland Middle School, and Community Schools Program

Riverdale, MD: Currently accepting volunteer applications. Buck Lodge and William Wirt Middle Schools.


Washington, DC: Efrain Ramirez
AmeriCorps Coordinator
(202) 643-9729

Riverdale, MD: Nancy Vo
AmeriCorps Program Coordinator
(518) 620-7370

AmeriCorps Academic Mentors