
The Montgomery County Workforce Programs offers job readiness training, GED, and career exploration services to out-of-school, disconnected youth who are not in school or engaged in employment.

Our Prince George’s County Workforce Program offer job skills and life skills training, paid internships, job placement services, GED preparation, one-on-one tutoring, case management, and support services for out-of-school youth ages 16-24.

Montgomery County Workforce Programs

Our workforce programs in Montgomery County primarily serve out-of-school, unemployed, and disconnected youth. 

Participants have access to the following workshops and classes:


Our Montgomery County services offer training, certifications, and internships in eight-week cohorts to out-of-school youth. These career exploration opportunities immerse youth in hands-on experiences based on their career interests. Training opportunities may include workplace safety, entrepreneurship, leadership, construction and maintenance, CPR, OSHA, and Microsoft Office. Internships are available with partner businesses including government offices, hospitals, community organizations, educational institutions, and the service sector.


Participants of our Montgomery County workforce programs receive job placement and follow-up support. This may include updating a resume, cover letter, receiving targeted coaching on navigating a workplace situation, and self-advocacy.


8700 Georgia Avenue
Suite 500
Silver Spring, MD 20910


Sean Caldwell

Program Manager

Referral from can be found here.

Prince George’s County Workforce Programs

The Prince George’s County Workforce Program offers job skills and life skills training, paid internships, job placement services, GED preparation, one-on-one tutoring, case management, and support services for out-of-school youth ages 16-24.

Youth without a high school diploma have the opportunity to take GED classes to prepare them for taking the exam. These classes focus on writing, reading, social studies, science, and math. Academic tutoring is also provided as needed. If a participant wishes to continue with school, the GED Instructor will help him/her identify and apply to an appropriate post-secondary academic program and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). MMYC’s classes are held at our Riverdale office.

Alongside the GED classes, students receive job readiness training in preparation to enter the workforce, as well as assistance searching for employment.

The job readiness training curriculum covers:

  • Resume and cover letter writing

  • Interviewing skills

  • Career exploration and planning

  • Goal setting

  • Life skills

  • Time management

  • Communication

  • Conflict resolution

  • Self-esteem


6200 Sheridan Street
Riverdale, MD 20737


Dahiana Edwards
Program Manager


Digital Pathways Program (DC)

Students participate in GED preparation classes while accommodating their different learning styles and student needs. The CASAS test is given to assess students’ academic readiness. As students demonstrate preparedness, our educational team guides them through each step of the test process. Additionally, students receive integrated education and workforce training that prepares them for careers in Business Administration and Information Technology. Students must be between ages 18 and 29.


Kaplan Building
1419 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009


George Garcia
Director of Education & Workforce
(202) 768-7800