Positive Youth Development
Our Positive Youth Development (PYD) training is a holistic, strengths-based workshop that empowers staff to prepare youth for a positive transition to adulthood.
This training is built by the community and for the community, centered on fostering stronger staff-to-youth interactions through social-emotional learning, emotional intelligence, and trauma-informed care.
In 2012, LAYC developed its own PYD curriculum and began training staff of all levels both within the organization and externally. This curriculum focuses on serving youth of color and is designed to encourage collaboration across departments, strengthen teams, and build a cohesive and comprehensive model of youth development.
PYD Training Breakdown
Positive Youth Development (PYD) is a strength-based approach that:
Places value on young people regardless of their situation and;
Emphasizes fully preparing young people to succeed and contribute to their futures now, rather than focusing on risky behaviors.
The full course is 48 hours long, spread across 6 days.
We also offer an abbreviated version of 24 hours across 3 days.
In both cases, each day of the workshop is 8 hours long, including a 1 -hour lunch.
The 6-day course is broken down into the following modues:
Module 1: What is PYD?
Module 2: What Impacts Youth Development: Brain, Trauma, and Resilience
Module 3: Race, Equity and Allyship
Module 4: Communication
Module 5: Healthy Relationships and Youth GoalsFor the 3-day curriculum, or other special scenarios, the training curriculum can be adjusted to provide more or less time and depth of instruction based on each organization’s needs and capacity.
An ideal group size is 15-24 participants, aided by 2-3 facilitators. Groups of 18 or more may require 3 facilitators.
LAYC comes to you and provides on-site training.
LAYC encourages you to consider the full course to cover the complexities of this topic, but we do offer a 1-day “PYD Essentials” training that serves as an introduction to the topic.
Why should your colleagues take the PYD Training?
How can PYD help you?
If you’re interested in using PYD at your place of work or in your team, send us some basic details and we will connect!
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