Public Health AmeriCorps at LAYC
The Public Health AmeriCorps program trains and develops a new generation of public health leaders ready to respond to our nation’s public health needs by providing public health service in communities.
What Makes a Public Health AmeriCorps Member?
Public Health AmeriCorps members at LAYC are passionate about youth development, health education, and community engagement. They are adaptable, open to learning and self-reflection, and demonstrate empathy, cultural humility, graciousness, tenacity, and initiative.
What Impact do they have?
Throughout their 1 year of service at LAYC, Public Health AmeriCorps members support all aspects of youth health and wellness programming, including:
Community outreach
Health literacy education and awareness
Testing for HIV and STI, risk reduction counseling, and support to ensure linkages to health care and social services
Sexual and reproductive health education programs
Young parent support through diaper distribution and parenting classes
Food security through hands-on cooking, nutrition, and gardening classes and the distribution of food and other resources
Enriching recreational programming
Grants working with crisis response (e.g. COVID, Opioids, suicide, mental health)
Why should you join?
Beyond being a part of a national team that has performed over 1.7 million wellness checks around the country, there are tons reasons to join the Public Health Americorps at LAYC. Watch the videos below for more information.